Sunday, 29 June 2014

"Fear Allah Ta'ala"

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

We met a people who loved being told, “Fear Allah.”
Today we find that people only become annoyed when they are advised to fear Allah Ta’ala.

~ Hazrat Sufyaan Thauri (Rahmatullahi ‘alayh)

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Tuesday, 17 June 2014


Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

"Wisdom is to say what ought to be said; 
in a manner it should be said; 
in the time it must be said."

~ Ibn Al-Qayyim (Rahmatullahi ‘alayh)

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Pure of Heart

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

"As long as you are pure of heart, 
you speak the truth."

Hazrat Umar Ibn Al Khattaab 
(Radhiyalluhu anhu)

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Monday, 9 June 2014

Constantly rebuking

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

 “Constantly rebuking a person’s for their every mistake, even minor ones, will lead 
to love diminishing.”

- Abu Haatim

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Friday, 6 June 2014

Wasting Time

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

“Wasting time is worse than death, because death separates you from this world whereas wasting time separates you from Allah Ta’ala.”

~ Ibn Al-Qayyim (Rahmatullahi ‘alayh)