Saturday, 19 April 2014

Another story of friendship

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

From "For Friends" - Discourses of Maseehul Ummat, Hadhrat Moulana 
Muhammad Maseehullah Khan Saheb (RA), Part 10

'A friend is a rare species. Where is there a real friend today? 

Hadhratwala (R.A.) mentioned a story in this connection:

A buzurg arrived at the house of his buzurg-friend. He knocked on the door. His friend answered the knock and, after Salaams were exchanged, asked, 'What can I do for you?

The buzurg replied, 'I am in need of five hundred rupees.'

The friend went inside the house, took out five hundred rupees, and came to give it to the buzurg, who took the money and left. There was no cross questioning.

This buzurg friend then came back into the house, went to sit on the charpai (bed), and started weeping.

All of you know that a wife's relationship is very informal. ...So, when this buzurg husband started weeping the wife commented, 'Subhanallah! Just now, in a fit of passion, you readily took out five hundred rupees and gave it away. Now it seems you are grieving as to why you gave away the money! If that is the case, why did you give away the money in the first place?'

The buzurg replied composedly, 'Begum! This is not the case.'

'Then why are you weeping?', she asked.

He replied, 'I am weeping for the following reason: Tomorrow, on the day of Qiyamah, if Allah Ta'ala were to ask, 'Why was it necessary for your friend to come to your house for assistance? Why did you not make yourself aware of his need before-hand?' What answer will I give? That is what makes me weep!'

Ponder a while! This is the friendship of the Ahlullah! These personages are of use in this world, and they will be of use in the hereafter as well.

But you do not just do the same. On my say, don't go and just take out five hundred rupees and give it away. As I have said before: 

Most friends of today are not this type of friend, who could be termed a friend...."